Our members often spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on molds, trademark protection, and other vital documents for their inventions. Last month, we had the unfortunate situation of a husband who passed away suddenly, leaving his wife unable to locate key documentation—trademark registrations, patent applications, CAD drawings, and other essential materials related to their invention. FamVault's solution directly addresses this problem. While FamVault's slogan is all encompassing, 'Protect Your Family,' an alternative for our members might be, 'Protect Your Patent.' At our last conference, I mentioned FamVault to several inventors, many of whom immediately signed up for the program and I encourage you to do the same.
Carmine Denisco, President United Inventors Association

FamVault Is The Leading Wills & Estate Platform
FamVault sets itself apart with a world class infrastructure technology to facilitate the management of wills, trusts, legal, financial, medical, business, family and other critical documents with unmatched simplicity.
Upload and organize folders and documents
Appoint trusted users
Transfer critical documents
Enjoy peace of mind knowing all your critical documents are secure and available in the event your family needs them.
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By purchasing FamVault you are agreeing to a monthly subscription which will be charged on a recurring basis until you decide to cancel your subscription. Should you wish to cancel, please send an email to info@famvault.com. Please note that there is a 30-day cancellation policy; cancellations must be made at least 30 days prior to your next billing date to avoid further charges. Prior to subscribing, we recommend you review FamVault’s Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use. By continuing with your subscription, you acknowledge and accept these terms, the Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use.